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West Grove Area Day Care is committed to promoting social and physical growth and providing life experiences that will positively impact a child’s ability to think, reason, acquire, and apply knowledge. We follow the standards of Developmentally Appropriate Practice by providing children with hands-on experiences and we support the independent search for knowledge through PLAY.


We allow children to make decisions based on their development and background, which makes their learning meaningful. We work to instill a sense of empathy in each child, in hopes to bring about a mutual understanding of all people; now and in the future.

DIY Children Activities


Infant Care Program In 2024 we expanded the infant/young toddler classroom, allowing for more separation of the age groups and the ability to care for more infants on a daily basis. The infant caregivers will be found reading to them, playing with them on the floor, rocking them, doing leg exercises or tummy time.  Even during routine times such as diaper changing and feeding times, staff members are communicating with the babies and creating an important bond between caregiver and child.

Toddler Program ​ Our toddler room is made up of a mixed age group ranging from 18 months to 3 years of age.  This makes for a more challenging play level for the younger toddlers.  It also allows for the older toddlers to help guide and ‘create’ play for the younger children.  Our program promotes the importance of learning through play, which enhances self-esteem.  While no one specific area of development is stressed over another, a few principles of development are emphasized in the planning process.  Until approximately two years of age, children learn most efficiently through movement and through their senses.  Therefore, frequent opportunities to develop large muscle skills are provided both inside and outside daily.  Sensory activities offered include playing with water, play-dough, shaving cream and finger-painting. Our caregivers understand that children learn most effectively from concrete experiences and hands on interactions with their world.  Therefore, these opportunities are provided for each theme.  As language is emerging, staff members provide language models and frequent opportunities for children to practice their newly emerging communication skills.  Emerging independence is another important developmental task of the toddler years.  As children are ready, they are encouraged to feed themselves, and to participate in other self care tasks such as removing shoes, putting on their own coats, or putting things in their cubby.  When caregivers and parents agree jointly on a child’s readiness, the process of toilet training is begun and integrated in the toddler’s day as well.  As children reach 3 years of age and are completely potty trained, they are transitioned in the Pre-K 3 classroom to meet their changing needs.

Preschool and Pre-Kindergarten Classes Our young pre-school classroom curriculum is based on weekly themes and language arts activities.  We utilize and integrate the Creative Curriculum and the Handwriting Without Tears program into our weekly programming.  A pre-schooler’s day will consist of group activities as well as independent activities.  The classroom is divided into developmentally appropriate, child centered activity centers ( Library, Housekeeping, Manipulatives, Art, Theatre, Sensory and Pre-Math/Science).  The teachers are used as facilitators who guide activities and explore new skills with the children.  We strive to promote good self esteem with the children by providing and supporting plenty of independent play activities. Practicing our fine motor skills at this stage is key to developing our handwriting skills.  We offer plenty of these activities, which include sewing, using wipe-off boards and chalk boards, moving objects from one place to another with plastic tweezers and using various other manipulatives throughout the centers.  The teachers also understand that we are preparing for kindergarten and that one of the skills needed is to follow oral directions, such as “Please go wash your hands”.  These skills are facilitated daily and continuously.  We are also practicing our cooperative play by listening to stories in groups, taking turns and sharing toys.  Large motor activities are incorporated daily.

School Agers - Before & After School Care Bussing available to and from AGI, Penn London, and Avon Grove Charter These children have given it their all during their school day and we give them a place to relax, play and create when their hard work is over.  We offer art projects, large motor activities, board games, friendship, homework help, and group activities while in our care.  We also offer full day care with special activities when school is not in session as well as a safe place to go when they have planned or unplanned early dismissals.

Summer Camp Program

We offer a summer camp program  built around weekly themes and child-chosen activities for children entering 1st through 5th grade.  We allow families to enroll for full weeks, days or half days.


West Grove Area Day care will not discriminate in employment practices, enrollment practices, or educational activities on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, sexual orientation, disability or veteran status. We are committed an equal opportunity work place and environment.


© 2025 by West Grove Early Care and Development Center. Powered and secured by Wix

610-869-3842   /  /  155 East Harmony Road, West Grove, PA  19390

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